Effects of Quitting on Children
A phenomenal article I came across regarding the negative effects of allowing children to quit. My goal is to constantly make Tri State Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts a place of positivity for our students while instilling necessary skills to succeed in life- whether that be in martial arts, a member of society, school/work or generally. Over the years, I have had numerous conversations with students and parents about quitting martial arts. But ask any of those students that continued to train and put in the work if it was worth it and I can guarantee they would say yes.
“Quitting relieves stress. That’s why dogs do it. That’s why adults do it. That’s why you’re tempted to do it every damn day. And quitting can be good; it’s a means of stepping out of a vicious cycle. Unfortunately, for children, it’s more often a means of pulling the plug on the learning process, which necessitates failure and stress. When kids quit, they hurt themselves and establish a habit likely to be damaging later in life. To stop a kid from quitting is to save them from going bump, bump, bump down an initially slippery and ultimately gravely slope
“We as human beings act according to our beliefs,” explains Koenig. “And we are very consistent with acting according to our beliefs.” If the biggest belief a child absorbs is that learning new things requires work, and that work is worth doing when there’s something on the other side worth moving toward, well, that’s pretty good. Accepting that things aren’t going to be fun all the time but are worth doing anyway is a big step toward maturity.
As a parent, the entire article is well-worth a read, click here to do so.
TriStateMixedMartialArts.com and Tri State Kickboxing Mixed Martial Arts has been a top martial arts school in the Lower Bucks County area for over 15 years.
Founded by Sifu Jeffrey Jones, Tri State Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts lessons for pre-school children ages 3-6 and elementary age kids ages 7 and up are designed to develop the critical building blocks kids need – specialized for their age group – for school excellence and later success in life.
Tri State Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts Adult programs offer training as a complete adult fitness and conditioning program, both mentally and physically. Designed for those who want to lose weight, get (and stay in shape) or learn self-defense in a supportive environment. Unlike a traditional gym setting, Tri State Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts offers the opportunity for learning a true art, designed to keep you mentally focused in the moment on your self discovery; while providing an outlet for daily stresses.
Instructors can answer questions or be contacted 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week at in**@tr**********************.comor call directly at 215-273-9202 . You can also visit our website at tristatemixedmartialarts.com
About Sifu Jeffrey Jones: Jeffrey has earned full instructorship under Guro Dan Inosanto in Jeet Kune Do, Jun Fan Gung Fu, and Filipino Martial Arts. He is also a full instructor for the Thai Boxing Association of the United States of America, under Ajarn Chai Sirisute. His instructor, Guro Dan Inosanto is one of three people appointed to teach at one of the Jun Fan Institutes under Bruce Lee. Jeffrey has over 30 years of training and experience in Mixed Martial Arts.